How to convert a quote online?

For customers with a credit account, you can easily convert a QUOTATION into an ORDER. It's super quick and easy to do.

Converting a quote when you have a credit facility  

Step 1: Sign in to your page and check that you are on the "My Account" account page.  You can scroll down on the main page and see a list of the most recent Quotes.

Step 2: Click “Quotes” from the main navigation  

This will take you to a list of all Quotes created against your account

Step 3: Find the quote you are looking for either via the search or by scrolling through your list of quotes.  

Tip: Only Quotes that are marked as Active can be converted


Step 4: Once you have found the desired quote click "View/Convert". Check the details and make sure you are happy. 

Step 5: Click "Convert quote to order". Fill in the requested details  

Step 6: Click "Place order"  

Step 7: Check the order acknowledgement email will have your WEB order number reference so that you can update your records.

Tip: Always include your Web Order Number in communication with customer services.